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(985) 542-4140

Diagnostic Testing 

NuWell Medicine’s Testing Center offers a variety of diagnostic tests to help you understand your health, detect potential issues early, monitor chronic conditions, and make informed healthcare decisions.

Nutritional Genetics

Nutrigenomic testing is performed to create wellness plans that are customized to each individual based on their own unique DNA. Studies have found that diet and lifestyle have profound impact on how these gene variants are expressed in the individual: therefore, we believe that detection and customized personalization of a wellness plan is the optimal way to achieve your best health! Since Nutrigenomics is a personalized medicine approach, this testing allows our practitioners to customize preventative health measures to each individual patient in the following areas: Diet and Weight Loss, Health Management, Sport and Athletic Performance, Women’s Wellness, Neurological Health, and Skin Health.

Food Sensitivity Testing

The Mediator Release Test is a functional measurement of diet-induced sensitivity pathways which quantifies the inflammatory response to foods and food-chemicals. This test helps providers identify and quantify which foods and chemicals are causing immune cells to react.

Gut Mapping

This test is used to generate an in-depth report of the entire gut at the cellular level. This test assesses the DNA of organisms living in the gut and provides insight into the unique microbiome of the patient. The “Map” looks at all the good/bad bacteria, yeast, parasites, immune health, digestive enzymes, fat absorption, gluten intolerance, inflammation and much more. It is truly a “complete” picture of your entire gut function and even slight alterations of diet and/or supplements can greatly improve overall gut health resulting in markedly improved quality of life. Through this type of customized testing we can better get to the root cause of gut dysfunction and focused treatments can optimize brain-body-gut balance.

Pharmaco Genetics

Pharmacogenetics is the study of how genetic variations influence a person’s response to medications. By analyzing your DNA, we can determine how your body metabolizes drugs and predicts potential side effects. This personalized approach to treatment can help optimize your medication regimen, increasing effectiveness and minimizing adverse reactions.

Serum Food Sensitivity

Serum Food Sensitivity Testing is a blood test that can help identify potential sensitivities to various foods. By analyzing your blood for antibodies that react to specific foods, we can determine which foods may be triggering symptoms like digestive upset, headaches, fatigue, or skin conditions. This testing can be helpful for individuals who suspect they have food sensitivities but have difficulty pinpointing the culprit through dietary elimination.

Heavy Metal / Essential Elements

Heavy Metal / Essential Elements Testing assesses the levels of both toxic heavy metals and essential minerals in your body. While essential minerals are crucial for various bodily functions, excessive exposure to heavy metals can be harmful. This test helps identify imbalances and potential toxicity, allowing for targeted interventions to support your overall health and well-being.

Executive Ultrasound

Executive Ultrasound is a comprehensive ultrasound examination that includes a thorough evaluation of your major organs, including the heart, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, kidneys, spleen, and aorta. This non-invasive imaging technique can help detect potential health issues early, even before symptoms appear. Executive ultrasounds are often recommended for individuals who want to proactively monitor their health or for those with a family history of certain conditions.

Adrenal Mapping

Metabolic Mapping done through saliva profiles gives a thorough measurement of bioavailable hormone levels. This testing better allows for a “real-time” tissue sample of your sex hormones and adrenal function. This is often a foundational first step to addressing current overall health balance. This testing can also be further customized through the “blood-spot” or “urinary” options to include other hormones and analytes such as insulin, blood lipids, vitamin D, thyroid hormones, heavy metals and essential elements like selenium and iodine along with nutrient levels, neurotransmitters and much more.

Brain Mapping

The Evoke Brain Map is a clinical tool that measures brain function which aids in the diagnosis and treatment of cognitive disorders. The Scan uses functional neuroimaging to painlessly measure and analyze the electrical activity of your brain.  It is important for health care providers to understand individual brain function and this testing helps us look beyond your symptoms to see brain activity that may be the root cause of cognitive disorders.

The scan itself helps us to differentiate between anxiety vs ADD, poor restorative sleep versus depression, concussion effects, migraine headaches, cerebrovascular inflammation, vascular dementia versus Alzheimer’s just to name a few. These diseases are otherwise quite difficult to tease through with traditional means. It also has shown to be very helpful in appreciating medication side effects as they may contribute to cognitive dysfunction as well as helping to decide when it’s appropriate to consider starting or stopping controlled substances such as sleep medications and/or stimulants.

Immune/Inflammatory Mapping

Alterations in the immune system can result in chronic inflammation and autoimmune disorders. Cytokines are important mediators in the immune response and imbalances of these mediators play key roles in alterations of the immune system. Immune Mapping provides an advanced health assessment allowing individualized treatment plans based on specific immune responses.

Hormone Saliva Testing

Hormone Saliva Testing is a non-invasive method of measuring hormone levels in your body. Unlike traditional blood tests, saliva testing provides a snapshot of your hormone fluctuations throughout the day. This is particularly valuable for assessing hormones like cortisol, estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone, as their levels can vary significantly throughout the day. Saliva testing can help identify hormonal imbalances that may be contributing to symptoms like fatigue, mood swings, weight gain, or sleep disturbances.

Comprehensive Toxin

Comprehensive Toxin Screening is a comprehensive panel of tests that assess your body’s exposure to various toxins, including heavy metals, pesticides, mold toxins, and other environmental pollutants. These toxins can accumulate in your body over time and contribute to a range of health problems. By identifying the toxins you are exposed to, we can recommend strategies to reduce your exposure and support your body’s natural detoxification processes.

SECA Body Composition Scan

SECA Body Composition Scan is a non-invasive method of measuring your body’s composition, including lean mass (muscle and bone), fat mass, and body water. This scan provides a detailed understanding of your body’s composition, which can be helpful for tracking progress on weight loss or muscle gain programs, assessing overall health, and identifying potential areas for improvement.